Designers are meant to be loved, not to be understood.

— Fabien Barral

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mapping Project

Our final project is to create a map of an important event in your life, a day in your life or a day in a made up characters life. I chose to do the day in the life of a fairy tale princess, I have titled it "Once Upon A Time.." Here is what I have so far, it isn't much, but I will update it as it progresses :)

The Font on the Title is Actualy Different, more of an old english look, but I'm working on my PC right now instead of the MACS in the lab so It substituted it out...but final picture will be from the MAC!

Comment and let me know what you think! 
More Progress... The last one is the Final Piece


Obesity Awareness Poster

Here is my First attempt at this Project

So our current project is to create campaign posters or at least a poster on obesity awareness in this country. I have recently being doing research on the idea of campaign posters, and noticed when it comes to obesity there really isn't anything that outstanding for the cause. Which is somewhat of a trajedy considering that the issue is really important. Really anything with personal health is important, and often times its as simple as informing someone of the issue, and creating a large enough impact to want them to make a personal change for the better.This project was to get us inlvoed in a poster assignment that tried to call attention to obesity awareness. Professor Watson thought of this project after speaking with a pepsi co member at an AIGA conference, which were wanting to create ads for this cause.

This was the Final Outcome


          For my campaign I chose to implement the positives of a person and ask why if you posses all positive qualities, then why not be healthy. To further implement my idea I want to also create a website that people could join as like a “facebook” style blog. Where they can talk about their healthy choices, discuss healthy options with the website community, and gain support from the community. I also would want to do more creative TV public announcements, where in the commercial the positive words can flash with positive images that tie to them while at the end urging them to visit the social community. I also think that posters should be focused in areas such as high schools, colleges, and supermarkets. These are places where many technologically interested people congregate. If executed properly I think the idea could catch on!

Inspiration Illustration: Illustrate an Important Event in Your Own Life

This project was actually quite enjoyable. I was actually able to fee a sense of relief with being able to be in my personal comfort zone. I started thinking of ideas that really stuck out in my life experiences, trying to stay away from the negative moments that most people recall quicker than happy moments. I try to be a positive person. So I thought back to the most recent moment in my life, which was when I found out I had won the Lowe's Carl Buchan Scholarship a second year in a row! How exciting, knowing the ease of stress of trying to come up with the funds on my own to actually make it through me senior year, well at least with tuition and supplies. That moment meant so much to me, not only was it the moment that I realized I'm really actually doing this, I am the first person who was actually able to find a way to go to college, more or less graduate. It was also the moment that I realized that I was fortunate enough to recieve a national scholarship two years in a row. That to me was amaizing, considering they only award 50 out of the whole nation. I really did feel on top of the world! I had reached for the stars, and felt like I could almost grasp one.

Here are some images of my beginning sketches and the final piece.