Designers are meant to be loved, not to be understood.

— Fabien Barral

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We did a quick project for Typography where we were required to spell the word typography with letters differing in upper and lower case as well as font. The fonts given were Helvetica, Veranda, Times New Roman, and Century Schoolbook ....... we were not allowed to use the computer and were to draw this letters and plan by hand! Here's some of the process and how it turned out.....:)

We Also Did a quick assignment on creating words with alternative typography, below is a PowerPoint including images from my alternative typography project. I created words using unlikely objects. We had to create words that pertained to the environment in which they were placed in...

Business Stationary

For this Project we had to create our own business, look at other logos that were related to our business, and create our own logo, letter head. envelope, and business card! i personally enjoyed this project! Bellow are some of the photos of the stages my logo went through! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Realistic to Logo Design

For this project we had to select an inanimate object and draw it realistically...then we were supposed to simplify it as much as possible to turn into a logo design. The logo was inked with India Ink and both were mounted on Bristol Board.....

How the First Project Turned out with Process

Hey here are a few pics on how that project turned out along with a few pics of the progression of the project!